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Walking a spiritual journey


Stories of faith and spiritual growth


Illustrated story describing Angie's spiritual journey in finding life's meaning and purpose

Angie's Story

March 2024

Angie's story describes and illustrates my spiritual journey and the events that have occurred in my life to find meaning and purpose. I always felt unsatisfied and something missing in my life and it was not until the occurrence of several significant events throughout my life, that my search for meaning and purpose would lead me on a spiritual journey.  It is a life’s story shared with readers to help them reflect on their own life’s meaning and purpose.


God (Love) intercedes in all lives either directly or indirectly through others and when you take the time to look to God and ask for support, surprising revelations and events occur. I also want readers to know that you can find meaning and purpose through faith in God, the Bible, and prayer and meditation.

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Future Stories

Love's Intercession is a series of stories, as every person has a unique life story and a relationship with God that is theirs alone. Future books will describe and illustrate the stories of inspiration and the lives of others I have met and who have found meaning and purpose through their own spiritual journey.

Hope's Story to come…
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